Mike Ross, the first Finance Manager at Prevention works, has proven that there is strength in numbers… literally. His strong financial, technical, and compliance background has proven that adding him to the team is positive addition. Mike has worked with Habitat for Humanty, launching Community Promise CU, and spent many years with local credit unions. Mike has used his knowledge with numbers and his desire to help others in the community through financial and homeowner education, involvement in both Boy Scouts and Little league, as well as supporting the Marching Band. When he is in the office, Mike can be found behind multiple computer monitors working on countless spreadsheets with a calculator the size of his desk. When not in the office, he is enjoying time with friends and family around town, around the state, or at the lake. Although his passion in the office lies behind crunching numbers, he appreciates a sunny pontoon ride where he can take in the scenery and wild life.
What "tool" helps you get the job done?