As a lifelong cheerleader, Lola Amos tends to root for the underdog; she has always been a true encourager at heart. This conviction stems from her own childhood experiences, where she learned that no matter what economic status a person is born into, education is a gift that can provide hope, break down barriers, and level the playing field.
Most of Lola's academic training and professional work experience has focused on the development of socially and economically disadvantaged youth and families. Prior to her role as Director of Programs at Prevention Works, Lola served with the Kalamazoo County Department of Human Services, Foster Care Unit, for over 13 years. Lola is a native of Southwest Michigan; born and raised in Grand Rapids, MI. She, her husband, and two sons have resided in the Kalamazoo area for over 19 years. In her spare time Lola enjoys celebrating life with her family and friends, appreciating foods from different cultures, and cheering for Prevention Works on the kickball field. GO TEAM!! What "tool" helps you get the job done?